Sunday, April 1, 2012

Spring is springing

Has it been almost a month since my last post? Apologies for all of you who have been waiting with baited breath and drooling mouths to see my next post (I know that it is most of the Western world!!)

One of the biggest reasons is that my flash decided to go the way of the Yugo (remember that disaster?) and die on me. So I haven't been able to take the pictures of stuff I have made recently.

I actually was going to post a picture of my Shepherd's pie that I made for St. Patrick's Day, but my flash was acting up on it's way to a slow and painless death (it is an inanimate object after all). So now I wait with anxious fingers on getting my replacement.

In the meantime, I do have a couple of pictures and recipes that I will use as filler. So here is the first one.

This is a dessert recipe that is actually a very light dessert. It makes a nice follow-up to a meal or dinner that may be a little on the rich and heavy side. It is made with a Pavlova like top (meringue) over a Vanilla Wafer base/crust (you can certainly change it to a Graham Cracker base if you don't want quite as sweet a crust).

It is actually also very easy to make and will certainly get you a lot of "ooohhs" when it is tasted. Here is what it looks like:

Here is the recipe:

So next time you have guests over for dinner or you want to surprise (hence the name) your family and want a nice light dessert, give this one a try. I think you'll enjoy it.

As always, I solicit your following (on Facebook or e-mail) and continue to ask to share my site with your family and friends. Also, remember, if you want to share a recipe with me, please do so with the ingredients and steps to make it and a little story of why it is important to you and your family and I will share it with the world (yes the pressure!)

So until next time, I'll be in the kitchen (hopefully with my new and working camera flash).

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